How Long Do Dental Crowns Last On Front Teeth?

When seeking answers about the life expectancy of a dental crown, the response might be very vague. The truth about the expectancy of a dental crown invariably ends with the words, “Your endurance might differ.”

Similar to how new product commercials highlight their efficiency and cost-effectiveness, crowns are the same. A crown that is correctly fitted, using suitable materials, by a trained dentist in West Columbia, SC, and then given the proper oral care should endure for many years, possibly for the rest of the patient’s condition.

Dental crowns aren’t any unusual from other human endeavors. However, most of the time, there are only some assurances of flawless outcomes. Therefore, to understand better, let’s delve into the different aspects of using the crowns in the following sections.  

What Might Shorten Their Life Expectancy?

If they are appropriately cared for and sought after, dental crowns in Columbia, SC, or anywhere around the globe will last about thirty years. However, a dental implant’s life could be shortened for various reasons, much like any other medical implant:

Dental Care

It will help if you continue caring for your dental implant the same way you did your healthy teeth after having one placed. In addition, you must ensure that your gums and jaw are sturdy enough to support the metal root’s appropriate connection.

Any gum disease must be addressed before implant placement, and your dentist will assess if your jaw is highly dense to support an implant firmly.

Even while titanium and the ceramic crown installed on top of the implant are both resistant to deterioration, the gums and teeth surrounding them are not.

Life Routines

Lifestyle choices, such as routine drinking and smoking, can substantially impact how long implants last after being implanted.

It is essential to consider this at the start of your internal fixation procedure. For your prostheses to heal correctly, your body needs sufficient blood circulation to the treatment region. The effects of nicotine on your circulation, oxygen delivery, and blood circulation may impede your recovery.

Damage Or Injury

A short lifespan for dental implants is possible due to unavoidable circumstances. Porcelain crowns are a permanent substitute for dental implants. However, they are not indestructible. Ceramic crowns are susceptible to breaking and cracking, just like natural teeth.

Health Issues

Certain underlying medical conditions may shorten the lifespan of your cap teeth. For example, having a disease or a weakened immune system can affect how effectively your treatment works and how long your implants will last before they need to be replaced.

If you have diabetes or a compromised immune system, you could be more vulnerable to illness, and your system may take longer to recover and mend.

How well your dental treatment lasts depends on how well you manage your diabetes. If your insulin is not under control, you run a higher risk of becoming ill and experiencing organ failure.

Either of these variables may affect your front crown’s teeth’ longevity and oral health. 

Before beginning treatment, discussing your options with the dentist and taking care of potential health issues is recommended. Then, after the operation, they can decide if implants are the best option for you.

Estimating The Potential Lifetime of A Crown

Even though teeth crowning is an excellent approach to repairing long fractured teeth, there must be enough tooth tissue for the front teeth with crowns to cling to. 

After determining that your tooth can support a crown, your dentist will ensure that the repairing is snugly secured over the tooth to prevent open spaces that can capture floss or become food traps. 

If the crown is poorly fitted, it may inevitably get loose and fall off. A crown that has fallen out can be re-cemented by your dentist, but eventually, it will have to be replaced.

You might be able to extend its lifespan for a few more years, but generally speaking, if the initial bond is compromised, a new crown is required to restore it.

If your dental crowns in Columbia, SC, fit well, you won’t need a replacement for at least ten years. Most dental insurance plans permit crown repair on a tooth after five to seven years.


Crowns are a medical treatment for weak or broken teeth. Crowns are another option for enhancing your appearance. Most insurance carriers cover between 50 and 60 percent of the cost of replacing your crown. 

The materials used, the number of crowns fitted, and the degree of tooth preparation all affect the price. The best ways to heal your damaged teeth can be discussed with your dentist in West Columbia, SC.

Forget Worrying About The Longevity Of Your Dental Crowns

Caring for your dental crowns under the right experts is as easy as possible. With our dental care experts at Carolina Smiles Family Dentistry, you’re under continuous examinations and testing to get a perfectly healthy smile. Know more about the process. Call us at (803) 794-2273 or visit our store.