Are you concerned about the oral health of your entire family? You surely are! It would be best if you were treating your family’s dental health as a priority. That’s when you need to see a family dentist if you already aren’t. Find a reputed clinic dealing with family dentistry in West Columbia, SC, and […]

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These days, everyone is looking to save money to do what they want: take a vacation, buy something special, or treat their kids to an amusement park. But unfortunately, dental work can add up quickly. If you are not careful, your dental expenses can add up to thousands of dollars.How do you prevent spending that […]

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Have you ever really thought about what you’re drinking and how it affects your body? From water to sodas, juice to alcohol, everything you consume has some effect.Some of these drinks are healthy and helpful for your body, while others are not. Some that you may think are healthy can have some pretty unhealthy ingredients. […]

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You know you must brush your teeth regularly to fight off cavities and decay. However, you might not know that taking care of your oral health is a serious business. Failure to do so can lead to a variety of health issues. A Healthy Mouth For A Healthy Heart Did you know that researchers have […]

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For some people, sitting down at the end of the day in a quiet room with a cup of tea is a great way to relax. It can help relieve the stress of a busy day, but that is not the only way drinking tea can help. It is also possible that drinking tea can […]

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If you’ve been smoking or using other forms of tobacco for years, you’ve likely noticed that your teeth are no longer that pearly white everyone loves.Instead, they’ve turned an ugly shade of yellow. Tobacco will quickly stain your teeth, but fortunately, there are a few different ways to remove these stains. Tooth Whitening Kits One […]

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We know that having a root canal is not anyone’s choice on how to spend the day. However, sometimes a root canal is necessary. For example, you may have been in a lot of pain before the root canal and feel significant relief after the procedure is over because you won’t be in pain.While a […]

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Everyone wants whiter, better-looking teeth. It is just something that is desired. But, when it comes to whitening your teeth, know that having it done in our office is much better than going off and doing a DIY kit that you can purchase over the counter at any store.Continuing Of WhiteningWhen you do the whitening […]

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